What Certifications To Evaluate Before Hiring An Effluent Treatment Company?

Environmental management is a consistent practice for the company to remain aware of the relationships that its products, processes, and operations have with the environment, as well as to continually improve environmental performance. Environmental management standards seek to provide organizations with components of a system capable of integrating with other requirements of a management process to achieve ecological and economic goals, as well as the adequate compliance with Brazilian environmental laws.

In order to comply with this definition, companies must follow strict environmental laws, as there are many ways to evaluate the Quality of treatment of effluents or solid waste, and that there are ecological agencies responsible for assessing compliance with such Brazilian environmental laws as CETESB in the State of São Paulo, or CONAMA (National Council for the Environment), which provides for the National Environmental Policy with the objective of standardizing and evaluating the articles of Law.

This body was responsible for presenting Law No. 12,305 / 10, which establishes the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), which is appropriate to the current context of recycling procedures, such as effluent treatment, and contains essential tools to allow the necessary advance to Brazil in addressing the leading environmental, social and economic problems arising from the inadequate management of solid wastes.

This environmental Law establishes the prevention and reduction of waste generation, both in macro and microeconomic aspects such as the treatment of industrial effluents. I am having as a proposal the practice of sustainable consumption habits and a set of instruments to promote the increase of recycling and reuse of solid wastes (what has economic value and can be recycled or reused) and the environmentally adequate disposal of wastes (what cannot be recycled or reused). It also establishes the shared responsibility of waste generators: from manufacturers, importers, distributors, traders and owners of municipal reliable waste management services, in Reverse Logistics of waste and posts consumer packaging.

In addition to creating important goals that will contribute to the elimination of landfills, the PNRS establishes waste management planning instruments at the national, state, and municipal levels. Placing Brazil on an equal footing with the leading developed countries regarding the legal framework, and bringing the inclusion for collectors and collectors of recyclable and reusable materials, both in Reverse Logistics and in Selective Collection.

In addition to the legislative perspectives, there are specific normative aspects for the management of the business with environmental management, which generates mandatory certifications for action. These standards are set by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). One relates to the Quality Management System, the other to the Environmental Management System.

The first concerns the Quality of operations. ISO 9001 was elaborated by the Quality Management and Quality Assurance (ISO / TC 176) Technical Committee, document resulting from the revision published by ABNT, the version being ISO 9001, 2008. It is the standard that certifies Quality and defines the requirements for the implementation of the system. This document has standardization tools and is a safe model for the implementation of Quality Management.

The purpose of the standard is to bring confidence to the customer that the company’s products and services will be created repetitively and consistently so that it acquires the Quality defined by the company. When the company certifies itself in this standard, it will be able to use a high quality tool: the PDCA Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Action), which means to plan, do, check, and act.