Category: Visa services

Temporary Partner Visa in Australia: What You Need to Know

Australia is a dream destination for many couples seeking to reunite and build a life together while one partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident. The Temporary Partner Visa, officially known as the Subclass 820/801 visa, is a crucial pathway that allows couples to embrace this dream. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the nuances of this visa category, exploring eligibility criteria, the intricate application process, document prerequisites, waiting times, visa stipulations, the myriad benefits it offers, common challenges faced by applicants, and a plethora of expert tips to ensure your visa application sails smoothly.

Eligibility Criteria

Before embarking on your journey to obtain a Temporary Partner Visa, it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of the stringent eligibility criteria:

Relationship Requirement – The Heart of the Application

The crux of the Temporary Partner Visa application lies in demonstrating a genuine and enduring relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen. This means providing substantial evidence that your relationship is not a mere arrangement for securing a visa.

Health and Character Checks – A Prerequisite for Entry

Both you and your partner will be subjected to comprehensive health and character assessments. These assessments are imperative to ensure that you meet the stringent health and character standards set by the Australian government.

Temporary Partner Visa (Subclass 820) – The First Step

The Temporary Partner Visa is divided into two stages, and the initial step is securing the Subclass 820 visa. To be eligible for this stage, you must be physically present in Australia when you submit your application. This visa permits you to reside temporarily in Australia while your application is under consideration.

Application Process

Navigating the labyrinthine application process for a Temporary Partner Visa Australia requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. Here’s a breakdown of the crucial steps:

Document Preparation – The Foundation of Your Application

Your application’s foundation lies in gathering and organizing a comprehensive set of documents. This includes providing compelling evidence of your relationship, identity documents, and fulfilling health and character checks.

Lodging Your Application – The Digital Leap

Embrace the digital age by submitting your visa application online through the Department of Home Affairs website. During this stage, you will also need to ensure that you pay the requisite application fees.

Interviews and Supplementary Information – Being Thorough

In some instances, applicants and their partners may be called for interviews or asked to provide additional information to strengthen their application. Being prepared for this stage is key to success.

Document Requirements

A pivotal aspect of your Temporary Partner Visa application is the meticulous compilation of necessary documents. Here’s a detailed list of documents you should consider:

  • Proof of your genuine relationship, such as joint bank accounts, shared bills, travel itineraries, photographs together, and statements from family and friends.
  • Identity documents, including passports, birth certificates, and marriage certificates.
  • Thorough health assessments and character checks in accordance with Australian requirements.

Processing Times

Understanding the temporal aspects of your Temporary Partner Visa application is vital. Processing times can vary, and it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. Applicants should be prepared for the possibility of waiting several months for their application to be processed.

Visa Conditions

Upon receiving a Temporary Partner Visa, you are granted the privilege to reside in Australia with your partner. However, specific conditions are tethered to this visa category. For instance, during the temporary period, you are generally not eligible for most social security payments.

Benefits of a Temporary Partner Visa

Securing a Temporary Partner Visa comes with an array of advantages, including:

  • The opportunity to live and work in Australia, enabling you to embrace new career prospects and experiences.
  • Access to Australia’s world-class healthcare and education facilities.
  • A clear pathway to permanent residency through the Subclass 801 visa, offering stability and security for your future in Australia.

Common Challenges

Embarking on the journey to obtain a Temporary Partner Visa can be met with its fair share of challenges. Some of the common hurdles include:

  • Lengthy processing times, which require applicants to exercise patience and plan their arrangements meticulously.
  • The need to provide substantial and authentic evidence to convince authorities of the genuineness of your relationship.

Tips for a Successful Application

To maximize your chances of a successful Temporary Partner Visa application, consider these expert tips:

  • Painstakingly document the authenticity and endurance of your relationship.
  • Complete health and character assessments promptly to avoid undue delays.
  • Seek professional advice or assistance if you have any concerns or uncertainties during the application process.


In conclusion, the Temporary Partner Visa in Australia serves as a beacon of hope for couples separated by geographical boundaries. By comprehending the intricate eligibility criteria, navigating the application process meticulously, assembling a robust set of documents, and being prepared for potential challenges, you can embark on your journey to securing a Temporary Partner Visa with confidence. This visa paves the way for couples to unite and create a fulfilling life together in the captivating land of Australia.



